Saturday, November 30, 2019
Times Gabriel Essay Example For Students
Times Gabriel Essay When Bathsheba first meets Troy in the dark she and him both flirt together furiously; Thank you for the sight of such a beautiful face. Bathsheba tries to cover the fact that she is flattered and rather enjoying it by doing her best to be as disagreeable as possible. When Bathsheba meets Troy for his sword exercise, she dominates no longer. Before, Troy has always played the servant (making her hay, hiving her bees etc ). Troy has now become the tutor. Bathsheba is astonished, amazed. During the sword exercise Hardy uses the words: plump, succulent, luxuriant. These words are used to describe the place but here they can all be related to a woman. There is a sexual and flirtatious undertone. Bathsheba feels guilty because she is sexually aroused. The tone of the conversation between Bathsheba and Gabriel when they are covering the ricks is not the tone of a conversation between a farmer and her farm worker; Thank you for your devotion a thousand times Gabriel! . Bathsheba claims that she does not love Gabriel but perhaps she feels something for him? At any rate she is relying on him more and more and he is beginning to play a larger part in her life. We will write a custom essay on Times Gabriel specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Even the name Oak is a clue to his character; English Oak is renowned for its strength and durability. It is reliable as is Gabriel. His Christian name also shows that he is an angel (the angel Gabriel). In this rural community responsibilities fall into two categories: the practical responsibilities and the moral responsibilities. Oak acts as a tutor on many occasions to Bathsheba and she slowly becomes aware of her need for his aid both practically and morally. In chapter four when Gabriel is asking Bathsheba to marry him she acts irresponsibly, firstly by running after him and secondly by leading him on and then turning him down. Bathsheba runs after Gabriel not to accept him but also not to lose him. The way Bathsheba leads Gabriel on and treats it as a game when he is proposing to her and answering his offerings by saying Yes: I should like that and Dearly I should like that shows how she is vain and unintentionally cold hearted. She would like the brides opportunity of showing off, but not her responsibilities. We learn why Gabriel will not succeed with her now. He is too humble (she needs impressing) and too honest (some deception is required). When Bathsheba, as a game uses the Bible and key for the old superstitious practice of foretelling her husband. The way Bathsheba leaves it to fate is very irresponsible. She fails to consider the consequences of her actions. Whilst Bathsheba is sending the valentine Hardy goes to great extent to stress the idle off-hand way in which the card is sent; Bathsheba, a small yawn upon her mouth, took the pen, and with off-hand serenity directed the missive to Boldwood. The flippant manner in which she chooses the seal is again irresponsible. The way she chooses the seal solely to upset Boldwood; Twould upset the solemnity of a parson and clerk too is thoughtless and she cannot comprehend that this simple valentine would spark off a long chain of events ending in death and misery. Earlier in the novel she is emotionally immature, rash, impetuous, does things on the spur of the moment etc However, in chapter 19 we see the beginnings of Bathshebas maturity. She seems sincerely sorry for the pain and anguish she has caused Boldwood and we see a greater self-awareness; O I am wicked to have made you suffer so! .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0 , .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0 .postImageUrl , .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0 , .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0:hover , .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0:visited , .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0:active { border:0!important; } .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0:active , .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0 .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2cbfea3c5642f0f3e9d21ea3a24374a0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Camus the outsider vs. bolts a EssayAnd Dont say it: dont! . In chapter 22 Hardy is still keeping Bathshebas vanity before us. Here, although she is distressed by Boldwoods torment and grief and is prepared to pay a penalty for having caused it, she is nevertheless flattered by his idolising of her and pleased with her triumph; The situation was not without fearful joy. She feels proud at her noble behaviour of giving an unconditional promise of marriage. We again see her acting maturely (acknowledging the damage she has done and accepting the penalty of marriage for it). However, her meeting with Troy shows that she has quickly forgotten her speech to Boldwood and once again we see her reverting to her old immature self. Bathsheba also plays the role of the idol. Both Boldwood and Oak idolise Bathsheba (Boldwood more than Oak). In chapter 16, Bathsheba, unknowingly, is performing a role for Boldwood. Boldwood thinks that putting Bathsheba on a pedestal and admiring her from afar is a good way of getting to know her. Unfortunately Boldwood has not the slightest idea of how to act around Bathsheba. In fact he does not even know if she is pretty or not; Is Miss Everdene considered handsome? Boldwood quickly goes from being indifferent about Bathsheba to being jealous of her. In chapter 19, when Gabriel is talking to Bathsheba, he is criticising her conduct and almost preaching at her. She is demurring herself. She does not want her to behave the way that she is. He wants her to stay the way that he has idolised her as. In chapter 22 when Bathsheba has nobly done her best to make amends with Boldwood, Hardy says the pleasure she derived from the proof that she was idolised. This extract shows two things. One is that it shows that Boldwood is idolising her and the other is that Bathsheba enjoys being idolised (vanity). Bathsheba also plays the role of the victim. She is the victim of Gabriels criticism; I can not allow any man to to criticise my private conduct. She gets very uptight when she hears the truth about herself; you are greatly to blame for playing pranks upon a man like Mr Boldwood, merely as a pastime. She feels very indignant that a man, she considers, inferior to her dares to criticise her. When Troy finds Fanny dead he immediately rejects Bathsheba. She becomes the victim. What has she done to deserve this rejection? She is jealous because Fanny is her rival in love even once she is dead.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Ramses essays
Ramses essays Ramses II a Egyptian king the third ruler of the 19th dynasty and the son of Seti I. Ramses was born some time around 1304 BC and died around 1237 BC. Ramses was one of the greatest rulers of ancient Egypt if not than the best as Pharaoh Ramses was the most powerful known to mankind under him came the high priest and below the high priests came the prophets. Ramses life remain a mystery but he always recorded his big achievements. Ramses II was on the Egyptian throne for 67 years. Over all those years it was mostly quite and peaceful. Also over his reign in ancient Egypt Ramses became known for his great construction He was the most prolific builder of any age . Ramses had a hard childhood he was given great responsibilities and great honors and by the age of ten Ramses was captain of the army. By 1920 BC Ramses, just like many new kings spent the first few years visiting his kingdom and all the territories to see where the troubled areas are. In his fifth year of ruling E gypt, Ramses ran into some trouble, King Muwatallish of the Hittites who was planning to attack Egypt. Therefore Ramses set out and crossed the Egyptian frontier about 15 miles from Kadesh Ramses found the division of Re who were unaware that the Egyptians were coming and they were not prepared for battle so they fled to another group called Amun and they to were unaware of the Egyptians. So the two groups fled to Kadesh to meet the Hittites. Ramses attacked pushing the groups into the riverbank. King Muwatallish watched the battle from a distance forgetting to send in his 8,000 spearmen. Ramses head long charges had pushed the Hittites back to the river banks. The next day the savered hands of the dead were presented to Ramses. The troops praised their leader! Ramses was proud and the only thing he praised was his shield-bearer and his two horses. The battle of Kaldesh could have easily been won by the Hittites if they ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Determine the Mass of a Star
How to Determine the Mass of a Star Nearly everything in the universe has mass, from atoms and sub-atomic particles (such as those studied by the Large Hadron Collider) to giant clusters of galaxies. The only things scientists know about so far that dont have mass are photons and gluons. Mass is important to know, but objects in the sky are too distant. We cant touch them and we certainly cant weigh them through conventional means. So, how do astronomers determine the mass of things in the cosmos? Its complicated. Stars and Mass Assume that a typical star is pretty massive, generally much more so than a typical planet. Why care about its mass? That information is important to know because it reveals clues about a stars evolutionary past, present, and future. Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope identified nine monster stars with masses more than 100 times the Suns mass. They lie in the star cluster R136 in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud. Mass is an important characteristic when figuring out the life spans of stars. NASA/ESA/STScI Astronomers can use several indirect methods to determine stellar mass. One method, called gravitational lensing, measures the path of light that is bent by the gravitational pull of a nearby object. Although the amount of bending is small, careful measurements can reveal the mass of the gravitational pull of the object doing the tugging. Typical Star Mass Measurements It took astronomers until the 21st century to apply gravitational lensing to measuring stellar masses. Before that, they had to rely on measurements of stars orbiting a common center of mass, so-called binary stars. The mass of binary stars (two stars orbiting a common center of gravity) is pretty easy for astronomers to measure. In fact, multiple star systems provide a textbook example of how to figure out their masses. Its a bit technical but worth studying to understand what astronomers have to do. A Hubble Space Telescope image of Sirius A and B, a binary system 8.6 light-years away from Earth. NASA/ESA/STScI First, they measure the orbits of all the stars in the system. They also clock the stars orbital speeds and then determine how long it takes a given star to go through one orbit. Thats called its orbital period. Calculating Mass Once all that information is known, astronomers next do some calculations to determine the masses of the stars. They can use the equation Vorbit SQRT(GM/R) where SQRT is square root a, G is gravity, M is mass, and R is the radius of the object. Its a matter of algebra to tease out the mass by rearranging the equation to solve for M. So, without ever touching a star, astronomers use mathematics and known physical laws to figure out its mass. However, they cant do this for every star. Other measurements help them figure out the masses for stars ​not in binary or multiple-star systems. For example, they can use luminosities and temperatures. Stars of different luminosities and temperatures have vastly different masses. That information, when plotted on a graph, shows that stars can be arranged by temperature and luminosity. Really massive stars are among the hottest ones in the universe. Lesser-mass stars, such as the Sun, are cooler than their gigantic siblings. The graph of star temperatures, colors, and brightnesses is called the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, and by definition, it also shows a stars mass, depending on where it lies on the chart. If it lies along a long, sinuous curve called the Main Sequence, then astronomers know that its mass will not be gigantic nor will it be small. The largest mass and smallest-mass stars fall outside the Main Sequence. This version of the Hertzprung-Russell diagram plots the temperatures of stars against their luminosities. The position of a star in the diagram provides information about what stage it is in, as well as its mass and brightness. European Southern Observatory Stellar Evolution Astronomers have a good handle on how stars are born, live, and die. This sequence of life and death is called stellar evolution. The biggest predictor of how a star will evolve is the mass its born with, its initial mass. Low-mass stars are generally cooler and dimmer than their higher-mass counterparts. So, simply by looking at a stars color, temperature, and where it lives in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, astronomers can get a good idea of a stars mass. Comparisons of similar stars of known mass (such as the binaries mentioned above) give astronomers a good idea of how massive a given star is, even if it isnt a binary. Of course, stars dont keep the same mass all their lives. They lose it as they age. They gradually consume their nuclear fuel, and eventually, experience huge episodes of mass loss at the ends of their lives. If theyre stars like the Sun, they blow it off gently and form planetary nebulae (usually). If theyre much more massive than the Sun, they die in supernova events, where the cores collapse and then expand outward in a catastrophic explosion. That blasts much of their material to space. Composite image of the Crab Nebula, a supernova remnant that heralded the death of a very massive star. NASA/ESA/ASU/J. Hester A. Loll By observing the types of stars that die like the Sun or die in supernovae, astronomers can deduce what other stars will do. They know their masses, they know how other stars with similar masses evolve and die, and so they can make some pretty good predictions, based on observations of color, temperature, and other aspects that help them understand their masses. Theres much more to observing the stars than gathering data. The information astronomers get is folded into very accurate models that help them predict just exactly what stars in the Milky Way and throughout the universe will do as they are born, age, and die, all based on their masses. In the end, that information also helps people understand more about stars, particularly our Sun. Fast Facts The mass of a star is an important predictor for many other characteristics, including how long it will live.Astronomers use indirect methods to determine the masses of stars since they cant directly touch them.Typically speaking, more massive stars live shorter lifetimes than the less massive ones. This is because they consume their nuclear fuel much faster.Stars like our Sun are intermediate-mass and will end in a much different way than massive stars that will blow themselves up after a few tens of millions of years.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Banking and international banking system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Banking and international banking system - Essay Example Major financial institutions collapsed or near collapsed and credit markets were frozen. Bear Stearns and Sachsen LB (German bank), banks fell in 2007. It was followed by IndyMac Bank in receivership and demise of Lehman Brother in the quarter of 2008 (Drea 2009). After September 2008, panic in the financial global sector escalated and spread to other sectors of the economies. Investors were shocked by losses that they incurred on assets they thought were safe. There was strong evidence that contagion was linked with global financial crisis. This happened through liquidity and risk-premium channels in the financial markets. There was clear evidence informed by research that contagion during subprime crisis was clearly shown by significance of t-statistic for lagged ABX index returns in 2006 (Longstaff, 2010). Cross-market linkages were stronger and significant during subprime crisis indicating that that 2007 subprime crisis resulted in large shifts in trading activity, liquidity and funding in the financial markets across the world. A number of reasons have been advanced concerning the recent global financial crisis. ... The foreign money was savings piling up and owners wanted to invest their monies away from home where they were assured of some returns. The net inflow of foreign savings into the United States in 2006 was about 6 percent of the United States’ output. Instead of investing foreign moneys appropriately, financial institutions in the United States that received the surplus funds from Asia converted the monies to loans that were aggressively given to borrowers, especially homeowners. Mortgage market was attractive to investors because over 80 percent of mortgage market in the United States was securitized and they that their monies would be invest well (Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, 2010). Securitization created the much needed diversification to investors and liquidity for business entities and individuals. Securitization refers to pooling mortgages together as securities. Once pooled as securities, they are sold to investors. However, investors and players in the industry lacked the business acumen to realize that securitization lacked clarity and transparency. Financial institutions also underestimated the risk associated with securitization and sold mortgage backed securities to investors across the world. The investors, which included banks, money markets, pension hedge and mutual funds, purchased the mortgage backed securities thinking they were safe. However, securitization was not able to provide protection against systematic risks. Even, credit rating agencies failed to take into account systematic risks and awarded the mortgage backed securities with AAA rating because it was considered low risk securities. Therefore, credit rating agencies could not price systematic risks into subprime mortgage pools. In
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Nurse-to-patient Ratio Staffing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Nurse-to-patient Ratio Staffing - Research Paper Example Legally mandated nurse to patient ratios is a controversial topic in healthcare. In this profession, there are state laws that require a certain level of staffing for each particular unit. Hospitals must balance their revenues with expenditures and patients and nurses are affected by these decisions. Mandating ratios is one attempt to ensure that a nurse workload does not exceed the needed level for adequate patient care (Conway, 2008). However, these essential ratios are not without consequences. Ratio advocates argue that fewer staffing levels are appropriate for patient care, better working conditions and higher rates of nurse retention. Those who oppose, claim that ratios will affect hospital budgets and reduce management flexibility in addressing patient’s needs.The paper will research the problem in both sides, having arguments opposed and in support of mandatory ratios. I will use survey data, interviews and original research to support both sides.Nurses have an integra l role in the systems of health care. State-mandated safe-staffing ratios will be important to ensure both patient and nurse safety. Adequate staffing is a way to nurse retention and patient care while lack of staffing can endanger patients and can pull the nurses away from their profession (ANA, 2011). However, staffing can also increase budgets and affect the management flexibility in dealing with patient's problems. Does the nurse to patient staffing ratios affect the hospital performance positively or negatively?
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Dress solution Essay Example for Free
Dress solution Essay America’s schools have been faced with increased challenges over the last several years. Aside from seeking out new ways to educate students and keeping up with changes in technology, school leaders are facing a continued rise in social problems in their schools. Among these problems are incidents of school violence, gang activity and bullying which create a tension on school grounds nationwide that prevents many schools from fulfilling their mandate to educate students. Sadly, some of the most tragic incidents that occur in schools stem from the type of clothing that is being worn by students. Often theft and violence can be linked to designer clothes and expensive shoes. Sometimes clothing bearing colors and insignias may be used to identify gang affiliation, thereby promoting fear and intimidation among students. Certain styles of clothing also lend themselves toward easily hiding weapons. Furthermore, the pressure to be fashionable and have the latest clothes can take its toll financially and emotionally on students and parents. These issues are beginning to gain momentum, especially among parents, in school districts across the country. Parental support has become the force behind the increase in school districts adopting student dress policies. A recent survey in Hoke County, North Carolina showed an average of 64 percent of parents supported uniforms in the schools. Student dress also drew the attention of the former President Clinton. In a memorandum on school uniforms to the Secretary of Education, he directed the Secretary to â€Å"develop information about how local school districts have made uniforms part of their school safety and discipline programs. †He also requested that information about school uniforms be made available to every school district in the country. There are no perfect solutions to the social problems that exist in today’s schools. However, schools can and should consider practical steps to create an atmosphere of respect and attentiveness for their students. Implementing a student dress policy is one such option. Although little formal research has been done on the effect these policies have on students, the feedback given by those who have implemented school dress policies indicate these policies are making a difference. This paper will explore the types of school dress policiesâ€â€school uniforms and dress codesâ€â€and the effects they are having in today’s schools. Student Dress as Policy The attention given to school dress codes and uniforms has become more and more focused over the last several years. As dialogue increases among parents, students and school officials about what remedies may exist to deal with the problems facing today’s schools, student dress policies have moved to the forefront. The issue received nationwide recognition in 1998 when, in his State of the Union address, President Clinton recommended school uniforms as a method of reducing school violence. Since that time, there has been a notable increase in the number of schools that have considered and implemented a dress policy for their students. More recently, in his State of the State address, North Carolina Governor Mike Easley recommended school dress codes as a means to address behavior in North Carolina’s schools. In his speech Governor Easley asked every school board to â€Å"enforce a reasonable dress code policy because students come to school to learnâ€â€not to party. †It appears that leaders on many levels have begun to recognize the potential benefits that school dress policies can have on the school environment. Uniforms: When implementing a school dress policy, some schools are more directives while others take a more passive approach. School uniforms are certainly the more directive method because they tell students what they must wear. A school uniform policy requires students to wear similar looking outfits to class each day. Some schools do offer an â€Å"opt-out†option if the parents agree to it. Others will also make exception for students whose religious beliefs may be hindered by the uniform. The first known public school in the country to adopt a school policy on uniforms was Cherry Hill Elementary in Baltimore, Maryland in 1987. The first major school district to require school uniforms was California’s Long Beach Unified School District in 1994. 6 According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) of the U. S. Department of Education; only about three percent of public schools require uniforms to be worn by their students. Nationwide, at least 37 states, including North Carolina, give local school districts the authority to require uniforms if they choose to. The first county in North Carolina to require uniforms was Halifax County. As of the 2000-2001 school year, they are the only school district in the state to require uniforms in all their schools. 10 The county school uniform regulations require elementary and middle school students to wear certain combinations of khaki bottoms with navy or white shirts (plaid jumpers are allowed for females). High school students must wear a variety of pants and shirts combinations depending on the school they attend. The Halifax uniform policy does ease penalties for financial hardship and exempts students from wearing a uniform if it imposes a substantial burden on a student’s exercise of religious belief. Though no other school districts require uniforms district-wide, some individual schools within school districts have chosen to require uniforms. For example, in North Carolina’s largest school districtâ€â€Charlotte/ Mecklenburgâ€â€23 of the 144 schools have chosen to require uniforms even though they are not required to do so. Dress Codes: Another less stringent approach to student dress policy is the school dress code. A school dress code instructs students on what they cannot wear instead of telling them what to wear (i. e. no hats, no tight fitting clothes, no vulgar or obscene depictions on clothing, etc. ). Dress codes are much more common in North Carolina’s schools than uniform policies. Out of the 117 school districts in this state, at least 48 have some form of dress code in place. One of this state’s most notable school dress code policies is in Johnston County. Their policy not only prohibits inappropriate clothing such as short shorts and sagging pants, but also prohibits abnormal hair colors and body piercing jewelry. Students who violate the policy may receive a short term suspension from school for up to 10 days and students who repeatedly violate the policy may be suspended for the remainder of the year. Other counties, such as Cabarrus, have similar policies, but leave the responsibility of developing rules and regulation up to each school’s principal. The Effect: There has been little scientific study done on the effects of student dress policies. However, there is empirical evidence that continues to mount, especially with the rising number of schools who are considering these options. One survey of schools nationwide conducted by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) revealed that one out of five (21 percent) public, private and parochial school principles had either instigated a uniform policy, were currently writing one, or had it on their agenda for consideration. With so many schools and school districts adopting school dress policies, it is important to understand why so many have chosen to do so. The purpose for most, if not all, schools that are adopting uniforms and dress codes is to address the issues of discipline and academic achievement. Classroom disruptions are commonplace in today’s schools and having methods in place to promote a better learning environment have never been more important. Furthermore, little debate remains over the dangers and pressures that exist in schools today. With the increased displays of school violence, many school officials, parents and students have become more determined to find solutions. In determining the effectiveness of school dress policies, there is no more compelling evidence that the feedback from the school principals themselves. Though the majority of public schools do not require uniforms, the feedback is very positive from those who do. According to one survey conducted by the NAESP, principals of schools that have uniform policies in place believe that students stay more disciplined and focused in their studies and feel less peer pressure. According to the study, principals identified the following effects of school uniforms: 79 percent believed uniforms positively affected classroom discipline; 67 percent saw an improvement in student concentration; 62 percent noticed a positive effect on school safety; 72 percent saw an increase in school spirit; 85 percent noted a better perception of the school by the community; and 75 percent indicated a positive effect on peer pressure among students. In North Carolina, the feedback from Halifax County is also positive. Dr. Viola Vaughan, principle at Southeast Halifax High School said that their school uniform policy has done a lot for the students both academically and behaviorally. â€Å"Discipline issues have decreased tremendously,†she said, â€Å"when children look around at each other, they don’t see the name brands and clothing that often divides them. †Dr. Vaughan pointed out that even school assemblies are quieter because students act more respectfully. Alan Sledge, assistant principle at Brawley Middle School in Halifax County, said that their uniform policy was â€Å"very effective and places a very valuable role on the academic setting because the kids are more focused on their books over their clothes. †Feedback on school dress codes has also been positive. According to Don Woodard, a high school principal in Johnston County, the student’s â€Å"demeanor is better and there are fewer disruptions because of teasing, or students being uncomfortable because of the apparel that others are wearing. †He also pointed out that the students have more â€Å"poise and are more well-behaved when they have the sense of being dressed for the occasion of learning. †22 Commenting on his school’s dress code, Shelly Marsh, a middle school principle also from Johnston County, said: â€Å"We have high expectations by having a dress code, students know there are expectations and guidelines that they must adhere to. Students’ attitudes are different according to their dress. †Along with school principals, the U. S. Department of Education has acknowledged the positive effect that school uniforms can have. In their publication â€Å"Manual on School Uniforms,†which was ordered to be sent to every school district in the United States by President Clinton, the Department of Education cited the following potential benefits of school uniforms: (1) decreasing violence and theft; (2) preventing gang members from wearing gang clothing at school; (3) instilling student discipline; (4) helping to resist peer pressure; (5) helping students concentrate on academics; and (6) aiding in the recognition of intruders. Safety and Other Benefits Of all the potential benefits of school dress policies, none is more important than improving school safety. With student violence constantly making the headlines, the clamor for solutions continues to grow. Safety in schools today is essential, and creating an environment that reduces incidents of intimidation and violence is necessary for students to learn effectively. Unfortunately, the demand for high priced designer clothing often puts students at risk of theft and violence from other students. Clothing that indicates affiliation with gangs is also a problem and can cause intimidation and fear in schools. The National School Safety and Security Services, an organization that consults nationwide on school safety and crisis preparedness issues, supports school uniforms and dress codes as a way to â€Å"contribute toward improving the school climate†because it â€Å"can play a significant role in reducing security threats and improving school safety. †According to this safety organization, dress codes and uniforms can help reduce potential problems by: (1) reducing conflict stemming from socioeconomic status, such as comments and personal attacks about who has better clothing; (2) reducing ways in which gang members can identify themselves which, in essence, is a form of intimidation and creates fear; (3) reducing the risk of students being robbed of expensive clothing, jewelry, etc. ; (4) in the case of uniforms, helping school administrators to more easily identify non students, trespassers, and other visitors in the hallways who stand out in the crowd. Notable evidence of the effects of a student dress policy can be seen from the aftermath of California’s Long Beach school district implementing mandatory school uniforms. Since they began requiring uniforms, crime in the school district has dropped by 91 percent, suspensions have decreased by 90 percent, sex offenses have been reduced by 96 percent and vandalism is down 69 percent. Interestingly, these improvements came about without any other security measures having been implemented at the time uniforms became mandatory. In addition, a study released by the Harvard School of Education found that the Long Beach school district was among six districts in the nations 34 largest cities that dramatically reduced their dropout rates. During the past five years, dropout rates have declined from 11. 2 to 2. 7 percent. The Center for the Prevention of School Violence, though not endorsing any specific dress code policies, points out that each of the â€Å"three Ps of school safety† â€Å"place†(physical security of the school), â€Å"people†(those in the school) and â€Å"purpose†(mission of the school)â€â€can be impacted by school dress policies. This is because dress policies define what is appropriate for the school setting while impacting the way in which people relate and interact with one another. The Center acknowledges that though the research on student dress policies is limited, the anecdotal evidence supports the existence of some form of student dress policy. It is important to remember that the solution to school violence does not lie in one single approachâ€â€certainly not in school dress policies alone. Yet, because of the likely benefit of curbing school violence, they should be considered along with other solutions. Student dress policies can also benefit students far beyond keeping them safe. Schools with uniforms say that their students have better self-esteem because without the name brand clothing on display, the students are placed on an equal level. Poorer students do not feel and are not treated as inferior because they don’t have nice clothes. This equality also seems to create a sense of school unity. Dr. Viola Vaughan and Allan Sledge, both principals from Halifax county have witnessed an increase in school unity since uniforms were required. Dr. Arnold Goldstein, head of the Center for Research on Aggression at Syracuse University agrees. He believes that uniforms encourage a â€Å"sense of belonging†because they promote a feeling of community among the students and help make a troubled student feel like part of a supportive whole. These effects contribute to a school’s overall sense of order and discipline. As a result, the learning environment improvesâ€â€making it easier for teachers to teach and for students to learn. Student dress policies also reduce the cost of clothing for students. Parents whose children wear uniforms do not have to spend extra money on multiple outfits for their children. Instead, they need only invest in a few outfits that conform to the school’s uniform policy. This is particularly helpful to the low-income parents who often feel the financial burden of providing suitable clothes for their children. USA Today reported that in 1998 parents of students in non-uniform schools spent an average of $185 per child while parents of children in uniform schools spent an average of $104 per child. 33 Uniforms also minimize the confusion about what to wear to school each day, relieving students of the chaos of choosing and outfit each day. Dress codes are also helpful for parents when shopping for their children because they provide guidelines for parents when purchasing clothes for their childrenâ€â€often ruling out excessive and expensive articles of clothing that conflict with the school’s policies and keeping student dress within reasonable boundaries. Student dress policies offer authority figures in the schools the opportunity to display their own dedication and discipline. Some schools with dress policies include (or extend the option to) teachers to participate as well. Certainly, if teachers and administrators exhibit the same discipline that is required of the students, it will reinforces the guidelines and make students more likely to comply.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Ringler Associates Essay -- Business, Customer Service
Ringler Associates is the world’s oldest and largest settlement annuity firm. Created by locally based experts providing personal service, the company has offices in major litigation centers in the U.S., and in London. From its founding, Ringler Associates took the partnership approach to building a team of professionals. Therefore, every Ringler Consultant is an independent owner and thus highly motivated to exceed customer expectations. This tradition of independence and entrepreneurship has inspired numerous innovations at Ringler, including the incorporation of various types of trust concepts in the structured settlement proposal. Ringler consultants also pioneered the use of sophisticated damage analysis and life care plans in structured settlements, which better define both the needs and costs for the injured person’s future care. From its founding, Ringler Associates took the partnership approach to building a team of professionals. Therefore, every Ringler cons ultant is an independent owner and thus highly motivated to exceed customer expectations. Structured settlements are a Life Insurance product. Structures pay out to claimants as do annuities, in a payment stream. The difference is that these annuities are only available to parties that have been injured in a personal injury accident or a workers’ compensation accident. The key component of a structured settlement is that all of the interest that is earned is NOT taxable; this is different than most investments which are tax differed. Ringler is the 800-pound gorilla in the structured settlement industry. Within Ringler, there are 60 offices in the major metropolitan cities with 130 brokers across the country. There are an estimated 400 brokers total in the indu... ...ofitability to drop to kick the board into gear. Ringler needs to be proactive and not reactive. Innovation moves to fast to be reactionary. I have setup a meeting with the board, details of which I shall not bore you with, but it was an incredible arduous process. I am going to make very near the same presentation that I gave in class. Of course, I will leave out the part about the â€Å"borg†. I will present to the board that Ringler needs an innovation team. One that is made up of the people of Ringler for the people of Ringler. If I present the team in a way that will not threaten the board, I believe I can get it passed. As you said, to change the culture of a company is a very hard thing to do. I feel with the skills and ideas that I have learned in this class, I will try to be proactive and effect change on inertia before Ringler enters the death rattle. Ringler Associates Essay -- Business, Customer Service Ringler Associates is the world’s oldest and largest settlement annuity firm. Created by locally based experts providing personal service, the company has offices in major litigation centers in the U.S., and in London. From its founding, Ringler Associates took the partnership approach to building a team of professionals. Therefore, every Ringler Consultant is an independent owner and thus highly motivated to exceed customer expectations. This tradition of independence and entrepreneurship has inspired numerous innovations at Ringler, including the incorporation of various types of trust concepts in the structured settlement proposal. Ringler consultants also pioneered the use of sophisticated damage analysis and life care plans in structured settlements, which better define both the needs and costs for the injured person’s future care. From its founding, Ringler Associates took the partnership approach to building a team of professionals. Therefore, every Ringler cons ultant is an independent owner and thus highly motivated to exceed customer expectations. Structured settlements are a Life Insurance product. Structures pay out to claimants as do annuities, in a payment stream. The difference is that these annuities are only available to parties that have been injured in a personal injury accident or a workers’ compensation accident. The key component of a structured settlement is that all of the interest that is earned is NOT taxable; this is different than most investments which are tax differed. Ringler is the 800-pound gorilla in the structured settlement industry. Within Ringler, there are 60 offices in the major metropolitan cities with 130 brokers across the country. There are an estimated 400 brokers total in the indu... ...ofitability to drop to kick the board into gear. Ringler needs to be proactive and not reactive. Innovation moves to fast to be reactionary. I have setup a meeting with the board, details of which I shall not bore you with, but it was an incredible arduous process. I am going to make very near the same presentation that I gave in class. Of course, I will leave out the part about the â€Å"borg†. I will present to the board that Ringler needs an innovation team. One that is made up of the people of Ringler for the people of Ringler. If I present the team in a way that will not threaten the board, I believe I can get it passed. As you said, to change the culture of a company is a very hard thing to do. I feel with the skills and ideas that I have learned in this class, I will try to be proactive and effect change on inertia before Ringler enters the death rattle.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Cafe Coffee Day Essay
Introduction The given case is based on CCD the largest coffee retailer in India. It started operation since 1996 by V.G Sinddharth. CCD pioneered the cafà © concept in India by year 2000 the company had only 14 outlets in 6 cities. It was after year 2000 the company started on a massive expansion program that has been it set up nearly 1000 outlets in India in ten years. The cafà © coffee day is owned by ABC Ltd which is the largest producer of Arabic coffee in Asia. There were many move made by cafà © coffee day. It was cafà © coffee day the made coffee drinking popular among India youth by offering a brand experience environment and other value addition. There is much different type of formats for its cafà ©s like High street cafà ©, garden cafà ©, mall cafà ©, Highways cafà © etc. Cafà © coffee day today has become the largest youth aggregate for a marketing. Stand point the success has come by focusing on 3’A: Accessibility, Affordalibility, and Acceptability coined by â€Å" Bidisha Nagaraj, the marketing president of cafà © coffee day. The amalgamated bean is among India’s top two coffee producers exporters with 10500 acres of coffee plantations in chik magalur company has 3 formats to focus on its customers cafà © coffee day lounge the premium format for the elite customers. The cafà © coffee day square the cafà © coffee day for the large number for the large number of regular customers. Review of literature The coffee market in India has been growing due to the demand for ready to drink coffee and it has become a part of an individual’s daily concepts basket. It is cafà © coffee day that understand the changing trends in the tastes and preferences of the consumers. Cafà © coffee day is no longer the place for just some coffee cookie and music. In a survey done by brand equity (economic times), the consumer ranked cafà © coffee day to be the 22nd place most trusted service brand of the country 2014 compared to that 2013. The main expertise of cafà © coffee day is in the service retailing of the coffee while they carry out operation sector also. The role of service employees is very important for the success of any services organization, especially those that process people and internal marketing can help firms to deliver service excellence. Service excellence means delivering what the customer wants at the first encounter for cafà © coffee day there is a lot of competition in the leverage industry. The newly emerged player TATA Starbucks Ltd Starbucks expanded its presence to Delhi in January 2013 by opening two outlets at terminats3of the Indira Gandhi international airport and later it opened a combination of standard outlets located at malls, airports, metro station, and other various commercial complexes. It took six years for cafà © coffee day to open 35 outlets on other hand the star buck-TATA alliance is planning to half century in a little more than a year. There were already competitors like Barista, java green, and Macho. Parts from Starbuck there are various international players like Costa coffee, Illcafe etc. which are trying to enter the Indian market. These market situations have a deep impact on the operations of cafà © coffee day to gain back its lost customers and also to get the potential customers do so. One central problem that has retarded the growth of the coffee business is the quality of staff available in the sector. Like the rest of the retail sector getting good staff training them in coffee and service aspects and retaining them is a costly undertaking. Analyst estimates that there is a turnover of around 40 per cent for the industry among the highest in the organized business sector. To sustain the present customer: In the marketing context it is said that the relations with the customer should be such that don’t have to go to the competitors. So the needful renovations should be bought into consideration To maintain the standard: The coffee chain businesses have been many changes since their start. The standardization is where they fail badly. The taste of a coffee or snacks being offered outside the main outlets is rarely the same as compared to those being provided in the main outlet. Make effective marketing strategies : The prime concern of the cafà © coffee day outlets should be based upon the 7p’s of the service marketing mix so as to get the best of the marketing result. Cutting down prices:- The prices should be sliced down so that even if CCD are operating in rural areas their sales will rise. Moreover people should not think twice before enjoying their coffee in ambient environment. Flexible menu:- The menu of CCD should evolve their menu constantly after certain period of time. Maintaining their key status i.e coffee , their should be additions to local tastes in terms of eatables. This strategy will surely attract people. For the purpose of the study two research tools can be used both questionnaire ,to find out the primary data pertaining to functioning and working of CCD with reference to consumer perception and sales strategy. The data will be provided by asking:1.The management of CCD. 2.The consumers that are visiting CCD outlets. Besides collecting the primary data through questionnaire , secondary data will also be collected through magazines, journals ,books , internet . Based on both the data , analysis will be done in the areas of excellence and areas of improvement. The areas of excellence and improvement will be identified on factual information in which recommendations and suggestions will be provided for the overall improvement of the organization. The study will be conducted in CCD of LPU and phagwara. Research Design Types of Research:- Descriptive research. Descriptive research includes surveys and fact findings enquiries of different kinds. The main characteristic of this research is that the researcher has no control over the variables; he can only report what is happening or what has happened already. Data Source The data is collected from both primary and secondary sources. a. Primary sources:= The data will be collected from at least 50 respondents directly. b. Secondary sources:- The secondary data will be collected via online , sales department of CCD and CCD product manuals. Questionnaire Design Appropriate questionnaire will be formed with relevant questions. The questionnaire will help the interviewer to take the interview or take a proper direction. The questionnaire will act as a guide to interviewer to collect all the necessary information and input from the costumer so that the better feedback of the costumer and information about brand awareness can be properly collected. Questionnaire:- The questions that will be presented to costumers will either be open ended or close ended. Open ended:- Allows respondents to answer in their own words and are difficult to interpret and tabulate. Close ended:- Pre specify all the possible answers and are easy to interpret and tabulate. Types Of Questions Included Dichotomous Questions:- Which has only two answers ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Multiple choice :- Costumer is offered more than two options. Importance scale:- A scale that rates the importance of some attribute. Rating scale:- A scale that rates the attribute from ‘highly satisfied’ to ‘highly unsatisfied’ and ‘very inefficient’ to ‘ very efficient’. Sample Design Who is to be surveyed? The market researcher must define the target population that will be sampled. The a sample units that will be taken are:- general public of different age groups , different gender and different genders . Reference 1. Aaker, David,†Building Strong Brands†,The Free Press, Printed in the United States Of America, Year 1996. 2. Aaker, David,†Strategic Brand Management†,Prentice Hall, Printed in the United States Of America, Year 1989. Toshowe, Stanley, The Marketing Review – Cafà © Retail, The India chapter, Volume86, Number 336, Jan’2005, page-36. – Search engines – Case Study International coffee organization- Total production of exporting countries. coffee board of indiadatabase on coffee. 8. A .Santa Ram. Breeding coffee for leaf rust resistance the Indian experience. 9. coffee board of India area, production, and productivity.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Response to intervention and the gifted learner
Averageness knows nil higher than itself, but endowment immediately recognizes mastermind ( Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ) . Many talented famous persons were told early in life that they would non be successful, for illustration: Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper for deficiency of imaginativeness: Michael Jordan was cut from his high school hoops squad: Carol Burnett was dismissed from drama school with a note stating she was excessively diffident to set her best pes forward: Thomas Edison was told by a instructor that he was excessively stupid to larn anything and that he should travel into a field â€Å" where he might win by virtuousness of his pleasant personality †( Bluefish ) . What if these magnetic and alone persons had merely given up and did precisely what a few short-sighted persons had suggested? The natural flight of giftedness in childhood is non a six-figure wage, perfect felicity, and a guaranteed topographic point in Who ‘s Who. It is the deepeni ng of the personality, the strengthening of one ‘s value system, the creative activity of greater and greater challenges for oneself, and the development of broader avenues for showing compassion ( Silverman, 1993, p. 22 ) . Response to Intervention came to life tardily in 2004 when George W. Bush signed the Persons with Disabilities Educational Improvement Act, which reauthorized the Persons with Disabilities Education Act, now called IDEA 2004. Basically, Bush required general instruction to detect and measure a pupil ‘s response to an individualized intercession in the general instruction schoolroom. Basically what was restricted to a particular instruction schoolroom is now a cardinal facet in the general instruction schoolroom. RTI was designed to do certain every pupil gets aid or services he needs whether or non he technically qualifies for particular instruction or has a learning disablement ( McCook, 2006 ) . My campus, Athens Intermediate, incorporates appraisal and intercession within a school-wide, multi-level bar system to take full advantage of pupil accomplishment and cut down behaviour jobs. At AIS, this procedure identifies pupils who are at hazard for hapless larning results, proctors pupil advancement, provides research-based elaborate intercessions and tweaks intercessions along the manner based on a pupil ‘s reactivity. We use a tiered service bringing theoretical account, which means different degrees of direction and aid are provided. Tier one is direction received in the schoolroom, suited for most pupils. Tier two signifies the intercessions that a few pupils will have when information shows that they are non rather larning the stuff after direction is given. Tier three is really intensive direction given to a little figure of pupils that data proves they are still non acquiring the desired consequences ( National Center on Response to Intervention ) . What can be done for those who are gifted? Basically, on Tier 1 all instructional demands are being met with nucleus lessons. Is whole-class and grade-level direction suitable for the talented scholars? Maybe for some topics and some advanced scholars, but all of them? They frequently have already mastered what is being taught or can make so really rapidly. RTI can be utile for the talented kid. Just like the pupil who is behind and demands aid ( i.e. Tier 2 ) , there are those who are in front and necessitate some acceleration. Like there are a little figure of pupils who are drastically behind in any given area/subject and will necessitate some important aid ( i.e. Tier 3 ) , there are about the same figure of pupils who are significantly in front and will necessitate considerable challenges and acceleration in any given area/subject ( Fisher, 2009 ) . How will the RTI theoretical account at Athens Intermediate take into history the gifted and talented scholars? How can we at Athen s Intermediate increase the quality and degree of services for our talented scholars?Literature ReviewWhy Implement RtI for the Gifted Childâ€Å" In the ordinary simple school state of affairs kids of 140 IQ waste half of their time.A Those above 170 IQ waste about all of their time.A With small to make, how can these kids develop power of sustained attempt, regard for the undertaking, or wonts of steady work? †Hollingworth, L. ( ) p. 299. Response to Intervention is a many-sided attack turn toing pupils ‘ comprehensive faculty members and behavioural demands, it can function as a theoretical account for increasing the quality and degree of services for all pupils, including those who are gifted and talented ( Coleman, 2010 ) . It involves the systematic usage of appraisal informations to efficiently allocate resources to better larning for all pupils including pupils with disablements, pupils identified as talented, those who qualify under subdivision 504, and advanc ed scholars ( WOGI, 2010 ) . By documenting instructional intercessions, the RTI procedure allows high-achieving scholars ‘ entree to differentiated course of study, flexible tempo, bunch grouping, and other cosmopolitan intercessions available to all pupils in the regular schoolroom ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . If instruction is to concentrate on developing pupil abilities and supplying an educated work force, so it besides must concentrate on the growing and accomplishment for all students-where â€Å" all †truly does intend all ( Hughes, Rollins, 2009, 32.3 ) . It is the place of the Council for Exceptional Children that a RtI model for talented pupils would back up advanced larning demands of the scholar in footings of a faster paced, more complex, greater deepness and/or comprehensiveness with regard to their course of study and direction. Likewise, scholars who are gifted with disablements may necessitate more than one deg ree of intercession and acceleration in footings of course of study and instructional schemes, RtI must be seen as a school broad enterprise, crossing both particular instruction and general instruction ( CEC, 2007 ) .Early InterventionCurricular intercessions should be selected based on informations driven determinations and related to identifiable mensurable gifted features. Educators should besides be held accountable for showing the direction in a mode that reflects best learning patterns ( Hughes, & A ; Rollins, 2009, 32. 3 ) . Three times during the school twelvemonth scholars are screened to place a demand, designation and acceleration of the course of study can get down right off. Interventions can be implemented to better academic chances. Dexterity of the scholar is identified within a nurturing system regardless of label or potentially biased instructor recommendations. By waiting to supply endowment development activities until pupils â€Å" measure up †for talen ted instruction services, schools are guaranting that lone pupils who have the appropriate backgrounds when they enter school receive such services. RtI promises an amazing medium of cultivating the possible growing before a pupil qualifies. Without back uping the strengths of talented scholars, true growing can non happen and scholars are in danger of non developing and even losing their gifts. An early intercession through cosmopolitan testing for strengths is a proved method for happening talented scholars, particularly in traditionally underserved populations. Research supports grounds that gifted kids may get down to conceal their endowments at an early age. Knowing the features of pre-school through class 2 talented pupils is critical in detecting possible and/or demonstrated strengths for early intercessions ( CDE, 2006 ) . Interventions for talented scholars must move in conformity with the country of energy and involvement, or magnetic demands of the pupil. Disregard to giftedness may augment underachievement and other negative behaviours therefore, ensuing in the possibility of RtI for low public presentation and behaviour. â€Å" It is surprising that really extremely talented kids do non arise more often against the inappropriate educational proviso which is by and large made for them. Surveies have repeatedly found that the great bulk of extremely talented pupi ls are required to work, in category, at degrees several old ages below their tried accomplishment. Underachievement may be imposed on the exceptionally gifted kid through the restraints of an inappropriate and undemanding educational plan or, as frequently happens, the kid may intentionally underperform in an effort to seek peer-group credence †. – Miraca U.M. Gross, Exceptionally Gifted ChildrenPersonalized Instruction Based on Student Needsâ€Å" If they learn easy, they are penalized for being bored when they have nil to make ; if they excel in some outstanding manner, they are penalized as being conspicuously better than the equal group. The civilization tries to do the kid with a gift into a nonreversible individual, to punish him at every bend, to do him problem in doing friends and to make conditions conducive to the development of a neuroticism. Neither instructors, the parents of other kids, nor the kid equals will digest a Wunderkind †( Margaret Mead , 1954 ) . Direction for the talented scholar should be constructed on the strengths and skill excess of the scholar. Attention endowed on alone scholar attributes keeps the schoolroom focal point on presenting direction that works for single pupils ( instead than a one-size-fits-all attack ) . Differentiated direction, a basic of RtI, allows teachers to at the same time address single, little group and big group demands ( Whitten, Esteves, & A ; Woodrow, ) . Gifted scholars are an improbably heterogenous group with a greater diverseness in accomplishment degrees than that found among typical pupils ( Hughes, Rollins, 2009, 32.3 ) . Therefore, in a tiered plan the demands of talented scholars would be specifically met based on their features. It is of import to recognize that we must distinguish within a talented group. Even though talented pupils may hold been identified as gifted, there are still strengths, failings, and a enormous scope of existent public presentation degrees wit hin this group ( Hughes, Rollins, 2009, 32.3 ) . Gifted scholars need to be able to entree a flexibly-paced advanced course of study that provides deepness and comprehensiveness in their country of strength ( CEC, 2007 ) . The CDE believes the identified strengths of a talented pupil will do all talented pupils to see at least flat II intercessions so that ceilings are non placed on larning. These intercessions might be schoolroom based, little group with a specializer, a specialised plan delivered by the schoolroom instructor or specializer or categories to run into the individualised demands of talented pupils ( CDE, 2006 ) .Instruction Driven by AssessmentAssessment instruments and gifted/talented designation processs provide pupils an chance to show their diverse endowments and abilities ( TEA, 2009 ) . Within an RtI model for a talented scholar, pupil advancement is often monitored to do certain acceleration and betterment is taking topographic point. If it is non, a different scheme should be put into topographic point. This can assist cherished clip being lost in turn toing the academic troubles of a pupil. In stead of seeking something over a long period of clip without cognizing whether it ‘s working, teachers can corroborate a scheme ‘s validity with the talented scholar. Harmonizing to the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students the designation procedure for gifted/talented services is on-going, and appraisal of pupils occurs at any clip the demand arises ( TEA, 2009 ) . Advancement monitoring is the systematic assemblage of informations to measure the advancement of the kid ( Hughes & A ; Rollins, 2009, vol.32, 3 pg. 36 ) . The aim in a remedial plan is to raise the pupil accomplishment to that of their equals in the general instruction schoolroom, or Tier 1. However, in a strength-based RtI, the end is to raise achievement beyond the general instruction schoolroom. Progressing monitoring is critical to the procedure of finding how much a pupil ‘s accomplishment degrees are altering over clip. Since the intent is achievement betterment for all scholars, advancement monitoring is critical.Improved Quality of DirectionThe Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction acknowledges the virtues of utilizing RtI for pupils that are at hazard, but besides recognizes the possible it holds for accomplishing higher degrees of academic and behavioural success for all pupils, including those whose demands extend beyond the nucleus course of study ( Rollins, Mursky, Coltrane, Johnson, 2009, vol.32,3 ) . Several cardinal facets characterize a strict course of study and research based effectual pattern focused on rich and profound thoughts of subject. Instruction will prosecute pupils emotionally and cognitively. It requires pupils to work out jobs, reference issues, and create merchandises and is relevant to the scholars lives ( Tomlinson, 2005, 44, pg. 160-166 ) . A critical component of RtI is the proper usage of research-based instruction methods. The focal point is proactively making an instructional environment that sets up scholars for high degrees of accomplishment. Research-based instruction goes beyond validated plans and schemes to include proved instructional methods such as differentiated direction. All scholars must hold the chance to show their acquisition in ways that allow them to be successful. Direction should be designed to account for pupils ‘ larning strengths, involvement and academic capablenesss. The scheme, plan or intercession must be subjected to rigorous, systematic, and nonsubjective processs to obtain and supply dependable and valid informations utilizing experimental or quasi-experimental designs across multiple scenes ( Whitten, Esteves, & A ; Woodrow, 2009 ) . When learning methods are grounded in research, scholars have the best opportunity of success. An array of disputing course of study options in rational, originative and/or artistic countries ; leading ; and specific academic Fieldss are provided for gifted/talented scholars ( TEA, 2009 ) Additionally, TEA asserts that course of study is designed and evaluated through coaction by specializers in content countries, instructional techniques, and gifted/talented instruction. Furthermore, the usage of a tiered bringing theoretical account should be employed.Focus on Positive Relationships in the ClassroomLearners should experience confident and supported within their schoolrooms. Direction that histories for their learning s trengths and involvement countries will actuate the talented scholars. When pupils feel safe and accepted by instructors, they demonstrate greater academic growing. Respecting pupils ‘ larning strengths and involvement promotes larning and Fosters an environment where scholars can boom. Flexible grouping and peer-assisted acquisition, both indispensable constituents of RtI, allow pedagogues to at the same time construct pupils ‘ societal and academic accomplishments ; as relationships are strengthened, so excessively are pupils ‘ academic accomplishments ( Whitten, Esteves, & A ; Woodrow, 2009 ) .Increased School-Wide CollaborationEducators must work as a squad. RtI is a general instruction enterprise. Accountability for transporting out the theoretical account should fall entirely on the shoulders of the general instruction instructors. Reasonably, pedagogues of all backgrounds and experiences must and will take part in assorted signifiers of teamwork to run into the demands of all scholars gifted or non. ) . How will the RTI theoretical account at Athens Intermediate take into history the gifted and talented scholars? Will staff work together to supply the appropriate intercessions deem necessary for the single scholar? How can we at Athens Intermediate increase the quality and degree of services for our talented scholars? What support will the schoolroom teacher receive to supply individualised services to the gifted scholars?MethodologyIn this action research a triangulation method, the usage of both qualitative and quantitative research will be used to place what can be done to assist pedagogues of talented pupils at Athens Intermediate School comprehend the RtI for the talented procedure. This attack will besides demo how to outdo use it when assisting their advanced scholars with individualised accelerated direction. Glantz tells his pupils that integrating multiple beginnings of informations is critical to guaranting a more accurate p osition of world ( Glantz, 2003, pg. 40 ) . Athens Independent School District is a 3A school situated in scenic Athens, Texas. Athens Intermediate School ( AIS ) is a big intermediate made up of 538 pupils. There are 13- 4th class schoolrooms, 14- 5th class schoolrooms, and 2 particular instruction schoolrooms. Interrupting this down farther, of the 13- 4th class schoolrooms 8 are self-contained and there 2 squads of double linguistic communication categories. The fifth class makeup is 2 squads of double linguistic communication, 2 squads of mono-language and 4 self-contained mono-language schoolrooms. AIS is a recognized campus for the past two old ages. Furthermore, Gold Performance acknowledgment has been earned in Science and in 2010 a Gold Performance has been earned in Reading betterment and attending. The participants for this action research will be 16 identified talented pupils in the 4th class and 20 identified pupils in 5th class. Teachers will be assigned a colour and pupils will be affixed with a figure and parents of the participants will be referred to as parent of colour group/number to keep confidentiality and security intents. The qualitative informations will be collected through studies such as questionnaires and interviews to measure the attitudes or positions of the respondents ( Glantz, 2003, pg.62 ) . Harmonizing to Glantz, they are comparatively easy to build and analyse. Questionnaires, like the Likert graduated table, will be utile to depict how the instructors and parents of talented kids at AIS respect RtI and Gifted accelerated direction. Systematic observation is another information aggregation method that will be employed to get informations that will be accurate. The usage of an observation process such as siting charts and pupil time- at- undertaking have should turn out to strongly act upon pupil accomplishment. These instruments can be easy adapted for usage in different classs and with the instruction of different capable affair ( Willerman, McNeely & A ; Koffman, 1991 ; pg. 21-22 ) . Quantitative methods focus upon the merchandise, or the â€Å" what, †in a state of affairs ( Gl anz, 2003 ) . The â€Å" what †of this action research will be collected through elaborate field notes in that they are nonjudgmental, concrete descriptions of what has been observed. Informal unstructured open-ended interviews with the pupils, parents and instructors will be conducted to determine the comprehension and use of RtI for the talented procedure.Research Findingss
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Ethics Of Globalization
Ethics of the Effects of Globalization Globalization is the process by which a business or company becomes international or starts to operate on an international level. Some economists recognize globalization as being in the best interest of all states. While others believe that increasingly liberated trade and global economic interaction is necessary in many ways. The negative effects of globalization far outweigh and short term gains. It benefits the wealthy, which are but a minority in comparison to the rest of the population, and leaves the impoverished ones out of the loop. The gap between rich and poor is increasing worldwide; almost one-third of the population of developing countries, 1.3 billion live in absolute poverty. Tight budgets, competitive markets, downsized companies are aspects of globalization that are unfolding on a canvas much broader than is generally appreciated. The unsteady flow of invisible money running in and out of countries has our markets operating like roller coasters. Globalization renders our government powerless and leaves them at the mercy of foreign investors. It does not benefit the majority of the world’s population and is slowly growing to increasingly deadly proportions. While globalization marks a move toward a more open world-trading regime, it can also be linked to strains on sovereignty, worker’s rights, and the environment. Globalization is a concept with many differing definitions. Many see it as a process, which entails the free movement of capital, goods, services and labor around the world. On the surface, it seems not as doing any harm but more of a way of doing business in the world today. For many major companies, going global is a matter of survival, and it means radically changing the way they work. Corporations are globalizing not only to reduce production costs, but also to expand markets, evade taxes, acquire knowledge and resources, and protect themselves ... Free Essays on Ethics Of Globalization Free Essays on Ethics Of Globalization Ethics of the Effects of Globalization Globalization is the process by which a business or company becomes international or starts to operate on an international level. Some economists recognize globalization as being in the best interest of all states. While others believe that increasingly liberated trade and global economic interaction is necessary in many ways. The negative effects of globalization far outweigh and short term gains. It benefits the wealthy, which are but a minority in comparison to the rest of the population, and leaves the impoverished ones out of the loop. The gap between rich and poor is increasing worldwide; almost one-third of the population of developing countries, 1.3 billion live in absolute poverty. Tight budgets, competitive markets, downsized companies are aspects of globalization that are unfolding on a canvas much broader than is generally appreciated. The unsteady flow of invisible money running in and out of countries has our markets operating like roller coasters. Globalization renders our government powerless and leaves them at the mercy of foreign investors. It does not benefit the majority of the world’s population and is slowly growing to increasingly deadly proportions. While globalization marks a move toward a more open world-trading regime, it can also be linked to strains on sovereignty, worker’s rights, and the environment. Globalization is a concept with many differing definitions. Many see it as a process, which entails the free movement of capital, goods, services and labor around the world. On the surface, it seems not as doing any harm but more of a way of doing business in the world today. For many major companies, going global is a matter of survival, and it means radically changing the way they work. Corporations are globalizing not only to reduce production costs, but also to expand markets, evade taxes, acquire knowledge and resources, and protect themselves ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
DefaultTableModel Class in Java Stores Data for the JTable
DefaultTableModel Class in Java Stores Data for the JTable TheDefaultTableModel class is a subclass of the AbstractTableModel. As the name suggests it is the table model that is used by a JTable when no table model is specifically defined by the programmer. The DefaultTableModel stores the data for the JTable in a Vector of Vectors. Although theVector is a legacy Java collection it is still supported and there is no issue with using it unless the additional overhead caused by using a synchronized collection is a problem for your Java application. The advantage of using theDefaultTableModel over a custom AbstractTableModel is you dont have to code the methods like add, insert or delete rows and columns. They already exist to change the data held in the Vector of Vectors. This makes it a quick and easy table model to implement. Import Statement import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; Constructors TheDefaultTableModel class has six constructors. Each can be used to populate of the DefaultTableModel in different ways. The first constructor takes no arguments and creates aDefaultTableModel which has no data, zero columns and zero rows: DefaultTableModel defTableModel DefaultTableModel(); The next constructor can be used to specify the number of rows and columns of aDefaultTableModel with no data: DefaultTableModel defTableModel DefaultTableModel(10, 10); There are two constructors that can be used to create aDefaultTableModel with column names and a specified number of rows (all containing null values). One uses an ​Object array to hold the column names, the other ​a Vector: String[] columnNames {Column 1,Column 2,Column 3}; DefaultTableModel defTableModel DefaultTableModel(columnNames, 10); or DefaultTableModel defTableModel DefaultTableModel(columnNames, 10); Finally there are two constructors used to populate theDefaultTableModel with row data along with column names. One used Object arrays, the other Vectors: Object[][] data {{1,1,1},{2,2,2},{3,3,3},{4,4,4}}; String[] columnNames {Column 1,Column 2,Column 3}; DefaultTableModel defTableModel DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames); or Vector rowData new Vector(); rowData.add(1); Vector data new Vector(); data.add(0, rowData); Vector columnNames new Vector(); columnNames.add(Column 1); DefaultTableModel defTableModel DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames); Useful Methods To add a row to theDefaultTableModel use the addRow method along with the row data to add: Object[] newRowData {5,5,5,5}; defTableModel.addRow(newRowData); To insert a row use theinsertRow method, specifying the row index to insert and the row data: Object[] insertRowData {2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5}; defTableModel.insertRow(2,insertRowData); To delete a row use theremoveRow method, specifying the row index to delete: defTableModel.removeRow(0); To get a value in a table cell use thegetValueAt method. For example, if the data at row 2, column 2 contains an int: int value tabModel.getValueAt(2, 2); To set a value in a table cellsetValueAt method with the value to set along with the row and column index: defTableModel.setValueAt(8888, 3, 2); Usage Tips If aJTable is created using the constructor that is passed a two-dimensional array containing the row data and an array containing the column names: Object[][] data {{1,1,1},{2,2,2},{3,3,3},{4,4,4}}; String[] columnNames {Column 1,Column 2,Column 3}; JTable exampleJTable new JTable(data, columnNames); then the following cast will not work: DefaultTableModel dft (DefaultTableModel)exampleJTable.getModel(); A runtimeClassCastException will be thrown because in this instance the DefaultTableModel is declared as an anonymous inner class in the JTable object and cannot be cast. It can only be cast to the TableModel interface. A way around this is to create your own DefaultTableModel and set it to be the model of the JTable: JTable exampleJTable new JTable(); DefaultTableModel defTableModel new DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames); exampleJTable.setModel(defTableModel); Then theDefaultTableModel defTableModel can be used to manipulate the data in the JTable. To see theDefaultTableModel in action have a look at the DefaultTableModel Example Program.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
To write a news release( Exxon mobile- new plan to invest 75% of Essay
To write a news release( Exxon mobile- new plan to invest 75% of profits into development of alternative energy source) - Essay Example 2008 will be the start of a new era for the energy industry and ExxonMobil will be taking the lead and showing other companies the way to do it. [Body] The world is hungry for fuel and ExxonMobil has been proud to supply oil, gas and petroleum for much needed industrial development across six continents. These services will carry on while the company and its affiliates engages in a radical transformation process over the next two decades. Their first commitment is to reduce exploration for fossil fuels in the next 10 years and explore instead alternative energy sources. The ExxonMobil world renowned research and development facilities are engaged on a rapidly expanding programme that explores every avenue of sustainable and renewable energy sources. Aside from the hybrid car types that are already well on the way to commercial success, there are plans to harness the earth’s own massive power which is currently locked into the wind, the waves, and geo-thermal sources. Many people are urging the politicians and the industrialists of the developed world to rethink priorities and create a new blueprint for energy provision. In collaboration with the government ExxonMobil is stepping up to this challenge. They have worked out a plan to invest a staggering 75% of their own profits along with some federal tax credits into the EarthSafe initiative. This demonstrates a deep commitment to the future of the whole planet which ExxonMobil sees as a far more worthy goal than short term profits. They are determined to leave a legacy of fossil-free energy provision within the next 20 years. The next generation will benefit from this exceptional leadership now, and Exxon Mobil is calling on other fossil fuel companies to join with them in this bold move. Strategic planning director Jim Witson said today that â€Å"out of these courageous beginnings a tremendous new chapter will soon be underway. We are making a historic pact with the planet, and we do
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