Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Corruption and Globalisation Essay - 5195 Words
Corruption and Globalisation - Both of them have been so pervasive in recent years. According to a BBC survey, corruption ranked as the second biggest problem people concern in the world and globalisation ranked first. Are there any links between the two? To what extend they are related to each other? And what effect do they have? 1. Introduction Both globalisation and corruption are the words that have been used frequently in public debates all over the world in the last few years, and they are both complex concept. Globalisation is relatively new while corruption is an old one. Whether there may be any links between the two phenomena? And to what extend they are related? This essay will attempt to explore the relationship†¦show more content†¦The publications regarding the problems of corruption by those organizations have increased the awareness of the costs to the world of this problem. 2. Corruption and Globalisation Corruption has been around for a very long time. From ancient China to United States, from old Greece to modern Japan, it is hard to find an era in the human history where corruption doesn ´t exist. We are now at the time of very intense globalisation. International companies have much greater opportunities to trade and to invest than ever before. Countries are becoming more and more interdependent to each other. Communications are more efficient and information flow quicker. Globalisation can produce benefits, it can also bring risks. For example, the benefits may not be evenly distributed and therefore rich people become richer, poor people become poorer. It has been an increasingly serious question about the means of monitoring and regulating the way international firms conducting their businesses. While multinational corporations operating in emerging market countries, they will sometimes have to make a choice: they can act as good citizens, moral business that contribute to the country ¡Ã‚ ¯s economic growth and raise business standards in a long-term perspective, as well as help increase the local employment and economic; or, they may only focus on maximization of their profit alone in the short term, butShow MoreRelatedExamine the Effects of Globalisation on China1208 Words  | 5 PagesExamine the effects of globalisation on China The process of globalisation in China has been a rapid one. China’s exponential growth since the fall of Mao has lead to increased international influence – with China now operating on an international scale. Economically globalisation began in 1978 following Deng Xiaoping’s Open Door policy. This opened up China to foreign investment and the international markets. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Book Review on Sanchar Mimamsa Free Essays
Book: Sanchar Mimamsa Author: Nirmala Mani Adhikary Publication: Media Educators Association of Nepal Pages: 33 Date of publication: 2068(2011 AD) â€Å"Sanchar Mimamsa†composed by Nirmala Mani Adhikary puts forth communication Studies and process from the perspectives of vaidika Hindu amid western theories and models of communication. The book brings to light,’Sadharanikaran theory and model as per propounded by Adhikary himself. It is quite unique and interesting, reading theories in verses. We will write a custom essay sample on Book Review on Sanchar Mimamsa or any similar topic only for you Order Now The theory and model have been described in Jhyaure laya. We all know, communication was an indispensible practice since we came into an existence. Though unfortunately and fortunately, it was twentieth century, a communication study was accounted as a discipline. Communication studies though, are rooted back to ages back, according to the Vedic Hindu perspective. Sadharanikaran is rooted back to 4th BC. The theory was illumined once again after J. S Yadava and I. P Tiwari brought Sadharanikaran into limelight around 1980s. Adhikary, who continued his research on the theory, came up with a model in 2003. Sanchar Mimamsa’ is all about Sadharanikaran and its elements and goal of attaining sahridayata, ultimate goal on Sadharanikaran process. Sadharanikaran as a process is an asymmetrical process, where senders and receivers become sahridayas, directed to attain sahridayata, thus establishing mutual understanding between them. Sahridayata as a concept is a state of â€Å"common orientation, commonality or oneness†where senders a nd receivers’ ultimate goal is to make Sadharanikaran process successful or to become one in communication process. Sanchar Mimamsa is classified into 3 parts while verses are divided into 5 parts. First one puts forth the possibility of getting problem solved. Through communications, not merely human, also animals and other creatures involve in communication in pursuance of life and peace. Second part affirms the significance of theories and model in communication studies. Unfortunately, the world’s walking on merely western theories and models instead of executing one’s self culturally relative studies. Nevertheless, after the initiation of duo scholar, Tiwari and Yadava, Sadharanikaran came into limelight. It has its root in Natyashastra by Bhartrihari and is identified with Bhattanayaka. Elements of Sadharanikaran process are sahridayas(senders and receivers), Bhava(moods), Abhivyanjana( expression or encoding),sandesha(message or information), Sarani(channel), rasaswadan (deals with achieving the rasa), doshas(noises), sandarva(context) and finally pratikriya( process of feedback). Sahridayata is ultimate goal of the whole process of Sadharanikaran, in which sender and receiver become one, and where feedback is no more necessary. The communication models in the west usually weigh on sender while, Sadharanikaran process puts an end to differences between senders and receivers, ultimately they become one. Sadharanikaran process is different to other or west’s models in terms of structure. It is a non linear model where mutual understanding is possible. It is a broad notion that is able to deal with all three dimensions of life: adhibhautika(physical), adhidaibhika(Mental) and adhyatmika(spiritual). Moreover The model also apprehends communication competent enough to achieve all of the purushartha chatustayas i. artha, kama, dharma and moksha. Final and fifth part sets forth, the solution to the conflict ongoing in the world via attaining sahridayata. Thus Adhikary argues sadharanikaran process can be a solution to put an end to disastrous conflict ongoing among the countries. It also has envisioned ’sanchar vidha’, communication sector, as a mean for attaining ‘Moksha’, the fin al goal of life according to Hindu perspective. Verses are followed by second and third part of the book in which Sadharanikaran theory and model are described and summarized. The book is distinct as it narrates whole theory and model in verses but the success of the book lies on rasaswadana of the sandesha encompassed in the book. Not only the Sadharanikaran theory but whole communication field is described from Hindu point of view, a significant step in communication studies in the world, other than westernized studies. On the other hand, the uniqueness of the book i. e. verses have also limited itself to a certain audience, those who are keenly interested in traditional verses. But the second and third part exempts audiences from this limitation and even language barrier has been considered. Descriptions are available in both Nepali and English. Though Sadharanikaran theory and model is new in studies the process isn’t new to us. If we can embody the process in our daily activities, ultimately we become able to manage conflicts and attaining moksha is also possible. This is how the book ‘Sanchar Mimamsa’ has represented the beauty of Sadharanikaran theory and model in simpler and few words. How to cite Book Review on Sanchar Mimamsa, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Disproportionality free essay sample
Despite Improved outcomes for students with disabilities In the united States, students in high school with emotional disturbance are more likely to be male, black, and to live in poverty than high school students In General Education. (p. XSL, U. S. Department of Education, 2005). During the past decade concerns have been expressed over the number of students placed In special education, researchers and educational advocates propose that this may be due to Institutional racism, cultural Incompetence, Inequitable adolescence polices and teacher perception.Leer and Mascots, 2006). Researchers have suggested that students who stand out from the norm are more likely to be labeled by educators as having BED even though their behavior is similar to that of their white peers (Oswald, Scouting, Best, 2002). (Study that compares how emotional behavior disorders are diagnosed and treated in the united States compared to other countries. ) Discusses the last decade and the Perception other countries have of disability and Emotional Behavioral Disorders and how these perceptions/definition play into placement and ultimately expatriations. We will write a custom essay sample on Disproportionality or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Disproportionately in African American youth/Hispanic youth Misidentification and the Consequences Definition/understanding in order to understand bed in the us, we need to understand bed worldwide defines bed in the united states and explains the language used in other countries explains the importance and this lends to the diagnosis and to disproportionately defines that the language also adds to the climate of what becomes tolerable and acceptable imperative that teachers develop cultural competency so students are not placed disproportionately.
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