Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Role Of Women In The Church Religion Essay
The Role Of Women In The Church Religion Essay Ever since the beginning of the feminist movement the roles that women have or have not played whether in or out of church and no matter what culture or civilization they have come from has definitely come under some major debates. One area for disagreement is the roles women have in the Church. With there being some churches that are not so ridged with their traditions and practices; they have begun placing women in leadership positions like pastor or teacher. However; there are still churches that are steadfast to the Bible and not so ready to embrace such changes. Much of the confusion comes from how women are seen in the scriptures so because of this we will use the Bible to help us better comprehend the roles women had in the church during the first century so we can try to apply that to the meanings in the twentieth and the twenty-first century. Many people would debate the Bibles importance to modern-day understanding until the cows come home but the biggest debate is about them in roles of worship. Had the Bible not been written under guidance of holy inspiration then it could be seen for what it is and not simply be bound by the teachings, which in turn could consequently allow one to pick or choose whatever agrees to their point of view. However, since the Bible is all about holy inspiration for which it comes from, then there should be a careful respect to what the passages signifies about any given issue which currently is at hand. Beliefs and behaviors that have come up after the Bible was written must as a consequence be carefully examined and by doing so the practices may or may not demonstrate competence after comparison with scripture. Before we discuss exact questions regarding women in worship, we should study the ideologies resulting from the relationship of Adam and Eve which is described in Genesis 1. We see the Apostle Paul often uses this passage as a guideline when conversing about women and womens issues. Genesis 1:27 says: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Most interpret this as man and woman are both by the same token in the image of God; however in this instance the word man is to reference more the meaning of humanity. In Genesis we are shown that Adam and Eve were given common power over creation; however the sheer fact that Adam was created in advance of Eve has major impacts to Paul and all the scholars in the Old Testament. For these scholars it proposes that there very definite role differences between the two sexes. They saw the role of the man as leadership whereas they see the role of woman as more of a source of strength a nd support to man. As we review the letter to the Ephesians from Paul in Ephesians 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. We can see this as an important analogy because if one wants to understand the Christian dominance of a man over his wife, we must think about how Christ proved his leadership over the Church. In general, he gave his life the church and not by using force or coaxing for her submission. Now when we contemplate mens and womans ministry in the church, we find it is important that we keep in mind these role differences. We must also take a look at the notion of open ministry where women can worship and teaching in the Church. There are two major passages which give definitive orders about women during worship and they are in the letters of the Apostle Paul. Many find that these two passages are quite frequently used when one wants to deny women public roles in the church. The first is in I Corinthians 14:33 35, which shows the passage imposing silence on women during worship service. Likewise and with more details, I Timothy 2:8 15 also contains the command to be silent, it also shows about power and control as well as references to the reason for Adam and Eves fall from grace which helped in the understanding and continued denial for equally in sexes in the church. In my viewpoint I believe that 1 Timothy 2:8-15 gives the best understanding just how things were viewed which is why I chose to use the entire: I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing. I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be kept safe through childbirth, if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety. I believe this shows the separation of the sexes and describes their place in worship and who has authority/control/power -however you want to say it over whom. Now as with woman being raised in the U.S. today reads the letter for the first time they may be quite offend by the obvious narrow-mindedness. However, there are some accurate historical and cultural references that need to be considered when looking for the meaning and intent of the passage. First the letter was written by one man to another man who was Paul to Timothy. We are led to believe that he was preaching in the city of Ephesus when Paul tells him he must stay in Ephesus so as to correct false teachers who were making a disturbance in the church. We see how many different observers have tried to recreate the deviations of these false teachers however this can prove to be a difficult since there are no exact records of what was said, so we must make reference from the text itself to give us a clue. One plausible heretical doctrine was the one of self-denial as a way to reach holiness. The practice of austerity that is being indorsed comprised of; self-restraint from certain foods, from marriage, and sex which is added to all of the physical training as another way to reach holiness. It was believed that by doing these practices, one could attain something similar to heaven on earth. Simply put, there was perhaps a denial of any future rebirths to be taught instead of the more spiritual one that we are lead to believe is reached in afterlife. We can also infer from Pauls comments that numerous women in the church would rehabilitated the meaning which was persuading them to abandon their traditional roles in favor of more open ways of life which were more in line with their the new-found holiness or spirituality. With this said it explains Pauls strong words which make reference to Eve about how she misled into sin whereas the idea of bearing and raising children was most certainly spiritual thing unlike they were being led to believe. Nevertheless, there are other parts of the passage which warn women not to teach or have control/power over a man that have been agreed upon by so many they have everlasting claim; their words and grammar, in Greek, do not seem to lend themselves to any other cultural reference. The teaching that Paul was truly worried about was so must more about real faith while the control/power which is in question seems to speak more about the roles of leadership for women in the church. But then again, before anyone can make any conclusions on a Biblical truth it must first hold true throughout the scriptures. May be we should look at other passages; Galatians 3:28: There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Some believe that this teaching could have had some bearing in the false teachings of Ephesus and Corinthians in regards to women. We are shown that even Christ revealed to us that in the spirit world no one would not be pre arranged but would be like the angels. As a result, the women who were being misled by teachers seem to abandon their traditional roles. On the other hand, the current reader may wonder what one meant when they wrote the line about both sexes being one in Christ Jesus. Some would see it as meaning that no one sex is inferior to the other. Once past the Old Testament, there are strong instances, like in the book of Acts, which shed some light in the form of documented practice, on the order not to have control/power over men. Here we have prophetesses like in Acts 21: 8-9, where Philip, who was one of the seven deacons, has four daughters who predicted. Prophesying was not just the predictions of the future but also the passing on of Gods Word to the people, i. e. teaching. Likewise, in 1 Corinthians 11:4-5 we have Paul conveying, Every woman who prays or prophesies. Obviously women in Corinthians were worshipping because everyone did that so they could be closer to God. We also see in Acts 18 where Precilla and Aquila worship and teach. As you read this, you could interpret this being significance because Precilla, who is the women, seems to be mentioned first due to the fact she has great knowledge. You are shown their teaching together and their successes which are confirmed in Acts 18:26 the ways of the Lord more a dequately. We also see this in the story about Lydia, business women who lived in Philippi and receive the message that Paul gives during worship which seems to be the incident which starts the strong church movement in Philippi. This occurrence only infers from the passage that she played an important part of that strong church, since no men were mentioned of converting. These passages in some way give inquiry to the real nature of the halt on teaching and the meaning of no control/power mentioned in 1st Timothy. It is obvious that women were teaching men and at times they were even co-teaching with male teachers. The case in point about the prophetesss while compelling is not recognized as being a modern gift, however teaching certainly is and is a prophets function. Those that interpret the Bible also discuss womens ministry in the New Testament which has brought to light the traditions of the day regarding women. We see that Pauls main concern was spreading the Gospel and making the message made attractive in every way. Thats why we see Paul encouraging women just how important it is in maintain customs like veil wearing because if not they will be seen as loose or immoral and disgrace the Gospel message. Think about what the women in the US who are not of the faith are thinking when they see for the first time that only men run the services. It could come across as women being suppressed by men and that the gospel message is suggesting women are inferior to men. In a nutshell, the thought that there is no authorization in the scripture coming right out and saying that it is forbidden for women to have leadership roles, or their own ministry or even teaching the word of God but can be left up to interpretation make me believe that if women are not allowed to have some kind of input in to the church or their teachings then it seems that a valuable resource is going to waste for the church and its future followers. If we simply look at it from the perspective of a husband not thinking that his wifes thoughts and ideas are worth listening to than the family can surely seem inadequate, dysfunctional or even destined to failure. For that reason, the church tries to realize Gods purpose for women by remembering the truths of the scripture and relating them to our present day culture. By doing this we are allowing men and women to convey the Christian message in its most powerful form. As stated by John Toews in article A doctrine or a truth has pow er only to the extent that it is modeled in a life style which is in harmony with it. Paul, and the rest of the New Testament, proclaims that male and female are reconciled and gifted in Christ, they are one and equal in Christ. It is now time for that truth to be modeled in the church if the church is to be the true eschatological people of God. We should look at the true meaning of the Bible and follow what is best for the continuing of the church and the life of the Gospels even if it means allowing men and women to be equal in the spreading the word of the Lord.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Maintain Medicare Essay
Like it or not we are all aging! It is a scary thought for some. However, knowing that my grandparents, parents, and one day myself will have the option to obtain Medicare is very comforting. Medicare is a federal health care program that was put in place by Congress in 1965 to provide health insurance to Americans sixty-five and above. Medicare was then expanded in 1972 to also cover younger individuals who are disabled (Kaiser, 2012). Traditional Medicare provides coverage to all Americans sixty-five and older without taking into account income. Prior to Medicare a whopping fifty percent of seniors lacked health coverage (Center for Medicare Advocacy, 2009)! To think of all the individuals who could not afford health care or had preexisting health problems and where unable to be cared for is simply unacceptable. Private insurances felt taking care of those with prior illnesses and people sixty-five and older would be too costly. Medicare has put a stop to that issue. With this federal health care program Americans have a stable sense of security knowing that their insurance will not revoke their benefits if an illness arises or too many claims come about. It is my strong belief that after working forty years or more Americans have earned the right to have health care insurance. People deserve to reap the benefits of having paid their taxes for at least ten years. As a result of the new health reform there will be some changes happening to Medicare. To improve early detection there will be annual well-visit checkups, colorectal cancer screenings, mammograms, and colonoscopies covered by Medicare (Health Policy Briefs, 2010). Due to early detection of chronic illnesses which inevitably cost billions, such as heart disease and diabetes will be lowered. The initial goal of Medicare still stands today, â€Å"to provide fair access to health care, through a stable unified program (Center for Medicare Advocacy, 2009).†It is imperative that we stick together as a nation to maintain Medicare for our future. Health Care Costs: A Primer (2012). Retrieved from Health Policy Briefs. (2010). Center for Medicare Advocacy. (2009).
Thursday, January 9, 2020
One of the Most Ignored Options for Russia Essay Topics
One of the Most Ignored Options for Russia Essay Topics School should occur in the evenings. Students will discover that it's simpler to write about topics they're interested in, and it'll make the researching process much simpler. They should be allowed to pray in school. They can write informational essays a number of ways. Type of Russia Essay Topics You don't need to acquire super technical with legal argumentative essays, but be certain to do your homework on what the recent laws about your favorite topic actually say. To choose which subject you're likely to discuss, it's vital to see the complete collection of good persuasive speech topics from the special area of study. 1 important and appropriate subject is technology. Yearly driving tests ought to be mandatory for the initial five years after obtaining a license. There are invariably a broad range of opinions on the field of technology, and here are our favourite things to consider on this issue. Don't neglect to bring a strong hook at the beginning (introduction paragraph) and wind up with an impressive conclusion to earn the reader want to talk about the interesting persuasive essay topics of your selection. A great debate article ought to have an analysis along with fair criticism of many troubles. In situations when you get to select the topic for an argumentative essay, you need to be wise and locate a title that will intrigue a reader. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. You should read plenty of books, textbooks or watch some videos to have a fantastic comprehension of your subject and be in a position to come up with a compelling argument. The second thing you ought to take care of once you choose the title is to maintain in mind five forms of argument claims. The 50 titles we've listed are only the tip of the iceberg all you need to do is be creative and think beyond the box. To compose a strong argumentative essay, students should start by familiarizing themselves with a number of the common, and frequently conflicting, positions on the research topic so they can write an educated paper. Another reason is to observe how well students argue on unique views and demonstrate understanding of the studied subject. To compose an excellent argumentative essay the students first must investigate several sides of the argument, allowing them to make an educated stance. The Upside to Russia Essay Topics Inspiration to make your own advertising or media argumentative essay topics isn't really hard to discover. The web has made our life a good deal simpler. Advertising and the media are now nearly inseparable from society for a whole. If you need to compose your whole essay in 1 day, do your very best to give yourself breaks so you don't burn out. Quite simply, everything would be determined by verifiable fact an expository essay. A conclusion is, without doubt, the most crucial portion of the argumentative essay as possible either support the fantastic impression or destroy it entirely. The next portion of your intro is devoted to offering some in depth background information on your topic. There are many steps that you should take to be able to write an exceptional essay. As an example, in college, you might be requested to compose a paper from the opposing viewpoint. It is vital to pick a great topic to be able to compose a wonderful paper. F. Bacon The main intention of the capital isn't to get as much money as possible, yet to make sure that money results in a better life. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's important to at all times be critically considering the world around us. Choosing topics for argumentative essays is important for your general success. Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. There are a few great topics to take into consideration when selecting topic for your argumentative essay.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
How to Calculate the Variance of a Poisson Distribution
The variance of a distribution of a random variable is an important feature. This number indicates the spread of a distribution, and it is found by squaring the standard deviation. One commonly used discrete distribution is that of the Poisson distribution. We will see how to calculate the variance of the Poisson distribution with parameter ÃŽ ». The Poisson Distribution Poisson distributions are used when we have a continuum of some sort and are counting discrete changes within this continuum. This occurs when we consider the number of people who arrive at a movie ticket counter in the course of an hour, keep track of the number of cars traveling through an intersection with a four-way stop or count the number of flaws occurring in a length of wire. If we make a few clarifying assumptions in these scenarios, then these situations match the conditions for a Poisson process. We then say that the random variable, which counts the number of changes, has a Poisson distribution. The Poisson distribution actually refers to an infinite family of distributions. These distributions come equipped with a single parameter ÃŽ ». The parameter is a positive real number that is closely related to the expected number of changes observed in the continuum. Furthermore, we will see that this parameter is equal to not only the mean of the distribution but also the variance of the distribution. The probability mass function for a Poisson distribution is given by: f(x) (ÃŽ »x e-ÃŽ »)/x! In this expression, the letter e is a number and is the mathematical constant with a value approximately equal to 2.718281828. The variable x can be any nonnegative integer. Calculating the Variance To calculate the mean of a Poisson distribution, we use this distributions moment generating function. We see that: M( t ) E[etX] ÃŽ £ etXf( x) ÃŽ £etX ÃŽ »x e-ÃŽ »)/x! We now recall the Maclaurin series for eu. Since any derivative of the function eu is eu, all of these derivatives evaluated at zero give us 1. The result is the series eu ÃŽ £ un/n!. By use of the Maclaurin series for eu, we can express the moment generating function not as a series, but in a closed form. We combine all terms with the exponent of x. Thus M(t) eÃŽ »(et - 1). We now find the variance by taking the second derivative of M and evaluating this at zero. Since M’(t) ÃŽ »etM(t), we use the product rule to calculate the second derivative: M’’(t)ÃŽ »2e2tM’(t) ÃŽ »etM(t) We evaluate this at zero and find that M’’(0) ÃŽ »2 ÃŽ ». We then use the fact that M’(0) ÃŽ » to calculate the variance. Var(X) ÃŽ »2 ÃŽ » – (ÃŽ »)2 ÃŽ ». This shows that the parameter ÃŽ » is not only the mean of the Poisson distribution but is also its variance.
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